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01 ноября 2013
1st November P.E. and P.S.D. teacher, Kamil Famisovich Vildanov umpires table tennis competition between 9th – 11th forms
24 октября 2013
On 24th October 9th formers watched Money to Burn in Maliy Theatre in the company of their Russian language and literature, Olga Aleksandrovna Ezhova. Money to burn is money you get from a windfall and that burn a hole in your pocket. Like in Lidochka’s case, the heroine of the play, you never have enough since she doesn’t know the value neither of a kopek nor a rouble. “This play has left an indelible impression on me – the acting, set design and period costumes,” resonded Sophia Kostrov in joy. “A classic comedy by the illustrious A.N. Ostrovsky is particularly up-to-date and contemporary to life in our capital. Aleksander Ostrovsky is a master of subtle intrigue, witty dialogue and his plays are littered with interesting characters,” comments Olga Aeksandrovna, teacher of Russian language and literature.
23 октября 2013
On 23rd October, accompanied by form teacher Elena Valerievna Vinokurova, 8th form set out for the State Pushkin Museum as part of the History of the Pugachev Uprising programme. During the tour pupils were acquainted with the history of how the novel Captain’s Daughter and its heroes by Pushkin came into being and they found out about the key stages in Pushkin’s works on the Pugachev theme and his travels around Russia to research the Pugachev rebellion. The tour ended with a showing of fragments from the film A Russian Rebellion.
19 октября 2013
17 октября 2013
On 17th October 11A watched a performance in Moscow Drama Theatre Soprichastnost based on play by L. Andreev, “The one who’ll get a slap”. The 11th formers are well acquainted with this author as not so long ago they studied his works in their literature classes, his stories and Judas Iscariot a novel with a biblical theme.
12 октября 2013
On 12 October 10th formers with their form teacher, Galina Viktorovna Eremenko, went to see a play called The Fox and the Vine in Moscow Drama Theatre Soprichastnost. This is an unusual rendering of a fable by and about the life of the ancient sage, Aesop, created by contemporary Brazilian author, Guilherme Figueiredo. In the Fox and the Vine director, Igor Sirenko, enchants not only with turning points in the plot of Aesop’s life, but with musical performances of songs and dances and its witty satirical dialogue.
11 октября 2013
LESch is going to the theatre. On 11th October 8th form pupils along with their form teacher, Elena Valerievna Vinokurova, visited Moscow Drama Theatre Soprichastnost. The acting in a classical rendering of the Cherry Orchard by A.P. Chekhov greatly impressed the kids.
11 октября 2013
LESch is going to the theatre. On 11th October 8th form pupils along with their form teacher, Elena Valerievna Vinokurova, visited Moscow Drama Theatre Soprichastnost. The acting in a classical rendering of the Cherry Orchard by A.P. Chekhov greatly impressed the kids.
Преимущества обучения у нас
Наши выпускники поступают в лучшие вузы России и мира | Многообразие профилей обучения. Высокий уровень ЕГЭ | Все выпускники говорят на английском языке | Международные и кембриджские программы | Высококвалифициро-ванная и дружная команда специалистов |
Домашнее задание выполняется в школе | Спорт в школе: спортивный туризм, футбол и дзюдо | Школьники не носят учебники в школу (второй комплект учебников находится в школе) | Родительский контроль. Отчет и анализ успеваемости | Дружеская и комфортная атмосфера (нет дедовщины и психологического давления) |
Креативные интерьеры и комфортные аудитории | В школьном кафе собственное меню из фермерских продуктов | Медицинский контроль и сопровождение с детского сада до выпускного | Собственный экосад | Мы выявляем способности, учим ребят, а не подлав-ливаем на незнании |