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The School is a private non-commercial education establishment, founded in 1999 by Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages – which in its turn is an examination centre of Cambridge University in the RF. The School prepares its leavers for entrance to the founder Higher Education Establishment (HEE) as well as for entrance into the Philology, Linguistics, Economics and Politics profile Faculties of Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Lomonosov Moscow State University and other HEEs.

The establishment implements general secondary and (complete) high school education programmes, and also supplementary programmes in instructive, cultural studies and sport subjects.

The School’s concept:

  • pupils gain fundamental knowledge in secondary school subjects;
  • advanced study of the English language;
  • elective courses in a range subjects in English;
  • preparation and passing of exams for Camabridge University certificates;
  • second foreign language (Spanish, German, French) at elementary level;
  • in-depth study of Economics;
  • teaching of the Russian language and mathematics at a specialised level;
  • optional pre-specialised courses from Year 7 for pupils to make an informed decision about their area of specialised study in Senior Years;
  • Years 10 – 11 are formed in line with specialised study of Linguistics and Economics based on programmes of advanced study of the English language;
  • professional guidance of/for pupils
  • all-round personality development of a child .

Learningoccursduring high schoolyears (from 7 to 11). TheFederalandRegionalcomponentsoftheeducationalguidelinesfor secondary education establishments form the basis of teaching. Thehallmarksand concept of theLinguisticsSchool asaschoolwithadvancedstudyofcertainsubjectsarereflected in the school’s own curriculum and are demonstrated by including such subjects as the English language, Rhetoric, a second foreign language (Spanish, German, and French), English Literature, World Economics and Politics, the Economics of Russia, and a preparation course for Moscow Guides-Translators.

The educationprogrammesofoptionalcoursesinthe SeniorYearsreflectthe content required topreparepupilsforentryintotheFacultyofPolitics (theDepartmentofEconomics andPolitics) atMSIIR, specialisationsinEconomicsatotherHEEsandforthepreparationoffuturePhilologistsandLinguists. Withthisaiminmind, Years 10 – 11 aredividedinto Economicsand Linguistics groupsdependingontheprofilepupilshavechosen.

The Russian language and Mathematics are taught at a specialised level alongside the English language in the Senior Years, and in addition to this supplementary preparation for the Unified State Exam (USE) in the Russian language, Mathematics, Social Studies, the English language and other subjects is carried out. Pupils also prepare for and take Cambridge University certificate exams in English as a Second Language and First Language English at the School.

  1. University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations: KET, PET, FCE,
  2. University of Cambridge International Examinations: IGCSE, A-level Economics.

Aims of the Linguistics School:

To cultivate a determined, competent, educated, and well-brought up school leaver with a good attitude to society and life. A task the School has set for itself is to form a highly qualified, creative and friendly teaching team of likeminded people. The School’s teaching is based on a humane personal approach to education and raising pupils, the basic principle of allowing the individuality and uniqueness of each child to shine while taking into account each child’s right to a subjective attitude to social values and the surrounding world, the mutual unmasking of the personalities of teacher and pupil, and unanimity in demands from and respect for a child.

The School’s working hours are the same as a normal school day. However, by way of helping very busy parents we can, by prior agreement, organise afternoon classes where pupils are supervised by a teacher and have the opportunity to complete homework to high standards, to consult with teachers on the Russian language, Mathematics, and the English language, to take part in social events with lunch and high-tea provided. “Whole day” groups finish at 7 p.m, although, when necessary, a child may remain at school even later than this.

Cutting-edge teaching techniques complement the humane personal approach to a child, small classes and a friendly atmosphere, interesting extra-curricular activities, the option of attending afternoon classes, the comfort and beauty of the School’s interior create all the conditions for getting to grips with the programmes successfully, the filling of gaps in knowledge, the formation of a broad skills base for pupils, the discovery and development of their creative potential, quick social adaptation and much besides all allow pupils to study here with interest and to achieve success.

The three-storey School

The three-storey building, is located in the Central Administrative District away from loud city streets. It occupies a territory of more than 300 km2 and was built to a special design project in 2001. The School yard has a sports ground, a music stage, a square for school events, recreation areas, flowerbeds and lawns.

TheSchool’sacademic-methodologicalandtechnicalbasemeetsstate-of-the-art standards and is constantly being added to and renewed.  The Information Technology (IT) room is equipped with the latest computers all of which are connected to a Local Area Network and have internet access. In addition, theroomisusedasaclassroomforvariousdisciplines with computer-aided learning (CAL).

All classrooms have had computers, audio and video equipment installed. The IT, Chemistry and Physics rooms are fitted with plasma screens and projectors. Schoolpupilshavetheopportunitytouselanguage laboratoryequipment during foreign language classes..

The assembly hall also functions as an 80-seat cinema equipped with a DOLBY Digital system which is actively used as part of the education process as well as for extra-curricular purposes.

The School’s success is catered for through care for pupils’ health on all fronts. The canteen , is open throughout the school day serving hot meals and special vitamins and fruit on certain days, there are drinking water coolers, and a health food tuck-shop offering oxygen cocktails.

The School has an in-house doctor and nurse who not only diagnose and cure, but offer prevention methods, consultations, free health massages and fitness programmes.

During the winter months P.E. classes take place in Korall swimming pool not far from the School.

Idealconditionsforrecreationandgamesduringbreaktimehave been created. Thekids’ favouriterecreation areasare: thewintergarden, thefireplacehall and the , sports hall..

In the very near future we plan the reconstruction of a building belonging to the School resting on the Black Sea coastline of Crimea. We are going to open an educational-health summer camp here..

Places in the Linguistics School is confirmed following the results of an interview and testing in the English language, the Russian language and Mathematics.

School leaving exams for entrance to the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages.

Annual open days take place on the first and third Saturdays in April

Преимущества обучения у нас
Наши выпускники поступают в лучшие вузы России и мира Многообразие профилей обучения. Высокий уровень ЕГЭ Все выпускники говорят на английском языке Международные и кембриджские программы Высококвалифициро-ванная и дружная команда специалистов
Домашнее задание выполняется в школе Спорт в школе: спортивный туризм, футбол и дзюдо Школьники не носят учебники в школу (второй комплект учебников находится в школе) Родительский контроль. Отчет и анализ успеваемости Дружеская и комфортная атмосфера (нет дедовщины и психологического давления)
Креативные интерьеры и комфортные аудитории В школьном кафе собственное меню из фермерских продуктов Медицинский контроль и сопровождение с детского сада до выпускного Собственный экосад Мы выявляем способности, учим ребят, а не подлав-ливаем на незнании
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