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Conditions of admission to the Linguistics School


Conditions of admission to the Linguistics School

Applicants for the Linguistics School undergo interviews and testing by telephone appointment:
(499) 264-10-51 (499) 264-10-51 , (499) 264-70-26 (499) 264-70-26 или (499) 264-03-63 (499) 264-03-63.
Calls are taken daily, except Saturdays and Sundays, from 10.00 to 18.00

In order to be admitted to the Linguistics School it is necessary to pass an interview in the English language which includes a talk with a teacher on themes close to and interesting for the pupil (about oneself, family, interests, sport, young people’s issues, one’s country and the native country of the language etc.), and to sit a multiple choice grammar test of 15 – 20 questions.

In addition, pupils are set a small Russian language task in the form of a test and a Mathematics test which are assessed as pass or fail.

Having gone through the admissions procedure, a Certificate of Admission to the School is presented and subsequently parents may bring their pupils’ personal and medical records from the previous school.

In order to enter a contract with the pupil’s parents, or legal guardians, the following documents are necessary:


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  1.  A standard letter of agreement addressed to the School’s Headmistress;
  2.  The passport of the parent who is going to sign the contract;
  3.  A copy of the child’s passport and birth certificate;
  4.  1 3x4 cm colour photograph;
  5.  The pupil’s personal records;
  6.  Medical records;
  7.  A copy of the pupil’s medical insurance card;
  8.  Certificate of basic general education (for those entering Years 10 – 11).

During the formalities, the pupil and parents become acquainted with the Statutes and Articles of Association of the School, and the School’s internal rules by which all pupils must abide.

Within two weeks from the moment the contract has been signed, tuition fees are to be paid at the sum indicated on the payment receipt. A Letter of Acceptance is sent as soon as the fees have been paid into the School’s account. Despite the increase in tuition fees this September, the Linguistics School remains an affordable private school.

Admission to the School begins from the Open Day, which takes place in April, and continues until the beginning of September (provided there are free places).


Dear parents
the entrance fee for students of the 5th and 6th forms is cancelled in 2013



Tution Fees 2013

  1. Entrance fee - 150 000 RUR (gradual payment is permitted)
  2. Tution Fee - 125 000 RUR per term (gradual payment is permitted)

The following reductions are on offer:

  • Pupils who have completed the half year only with full marks – 10%;
  • Pupils who have completed the half year with one or two “good” marks – 5%.
  • Payment for joint tuition of 2 or more children from the same family – 10;
  • дети из многодетных семей обеспечиваются бесплатным двухразовым питанием (завтрак, обед)

Apart from this, pupils and their close relatives are offered:

  • A reduction for tuition on Foreign Language Courses or on the Institute Preparatory Course in the Linguistics School’s Department of Supplementary Education - 10%.
Преимущества обучения у нас
Наши выпускники поступают в лучшие вузы России и мира Многообразие профилей обучения. Высокий уровень ЕГЭ Все выпускники говорят на английском языке Международные и кембриджские программы Высококвалифициро-ванная и дружная команда специалистов
Домашнее задание выполняется в школе Спорт в школе: спортивный туризм, футбол и дзюдо Школьники не носят учебники в школу (второй комплект учебников находится в школе) Родительский контроль. Отчет и анализ успеваемости Дружеская и комфортная атмосфера (нет дедовщины и психологического давления)
Креативные интерьеры и комфортные аудитории В школьном кафе собственное меню из фермерских продуктов Медицинский контроль и сопровождение с детского сада до выпускного Собственный экосад Мы выявляем способности, учим ребят, а не подлав-ливаем на незнании
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