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05 ноября 2013

7th form pupils at American conceptualist John Badlessari’s exhibition 1+1=1

On 5th November 7th form pupils along with their form teacher, Marina Yurievna Biryukova, attended conceptual artist John Badlessari’s exhibition 1+1=1 brought to Russia for the first time in Garage centre of contemporary culture. Over the last half-century the founder of conceptual art has been expressing his ideas through various forms and techniques like paint, photography, cinema and video, books, lithography, art objects and installations. 

The artist investigates the complicated relations between image and text in art. In his work on the “double” series Baldessari used well-known images from the last three centuries by such masters as Chardin, de Chirico, Courbet, David, Duchamp, Gaugin, Hockney, Magritte, Malevich, Manet, Matisse and Warhol. “I like to create new meanings. They appear at the intersection of two known things, for example, two words, two images or a word and an image. Two parts should be juxtaposed so closely that a similar juncture forms and in this way something new is born. Of course, you might come up with Frankenstein’s monster still sometimes you get a third meaning. This process is captivating,” explains John Baldessari. This exhibition has brought us closer to contemporary art and we put a holiday day to good use.

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