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12 декабря 2018

Bravo, Mr. John and the actors o of the British Lyceum Theatre!

The whole Linguistic School enjoyed watching the production of the British Lyceum. We heartily thank Mr. John for the play "Oliver Twist". The actors of the British Lyceum Secondary performed it brilliantly! We all enjoyed solo singing as well as dance compositions. The talent and emotional mood of the actors engaged the audience. Oliver Twist was sumptuously played by Mironov Egor, other roles were played by Gurvits Alexander, Navratil Max, Borislav Gridnev, Pogrebnyak Artem, Lantratov Vladimir and others.


Right away from the premiere, we interviewed Mr. John. Here is what he told us: “I am very pleased with the play of my students. This performance gathered us all in a large and beautiful hall. Why did you choose this story? It touched our hearts. This story is about a poor boy, an orphan who started

working at the age of 9 to have a piece of bread. Then he runs to London and gets into a bad company. And, of course, a happy end ! Oliver is saved by a good man. Thank you all for coming to watch it and support us! “

Thank you very much, Mr. John, and your team for this superb play. Everybody enjoyed the acting of the students and the music. We wish you further success! Congratulations on the premiere!


( translated by Darya Teterkina, Year 11 )

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