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24 октября 2018

Our students go to Zhostovo

Year 5 and 6 students just visited Zhostovo decorative painting factory. Tray museum in Zhostovo is one of a kind. This painting technique plays a considerable role in Russian culture. Students found out everything about famous Zhostovo trays. After an hour long tailor-made excursion, our students attended a workshop how to paint a Zhostovo tray. They will get their masterpieces only when they dry up and are covered with lacquer. Here is some feedback from our students:


“I’ve always been into Zhostovo painting and this excursion was very engaging. I found out that this technique had been invented in Russia almost 200 years ago and the first painters were paysans painting ordinary wild flowers on trays. Later on roses and other unusual flowers appeared. We were very excited about the workshop. We were thrilled to take brushes and start creating our chefs d'œuvre. We saw and tried a variety of painting techniques. Plus, it was a pleasure to communicate with artists.” Eva Vagina, Year 6.


“We found out that trays are still produced in an ancient technique that hasn’t been changed for ages. Steel sheets are shaped, then they are primed, polished and covered with multiple layers of oil based enamel. All these stages are performed manually just like back in the 19th century. A very typical background is black, but red, green, white and silver ones are common as well. Some trays can be used for serving food and some - for decorating. Shapes vary as well. Some have special names. Then we were shocked to find out that some of them cost up to 100 000 RUR!” Nia Kaladze, Year 6.


“On October 24 we went to Zhostovo where we found out a lot of new interesting things. We learned about the manufacturing process in the ancient times and nowadays, the most expensive tray (mother-of-pearl one), the most ancient one. Moreover, we painted trays for pencils all by ourselves. It is a small oval black tray with a five-leaf flower on it. On top of that, we were told about Fedoskino, that is famous for lacquer miniature painting. I am looking forward to visiting Fedoskino!” Veronika Savilova, Year 5A.


( translated  by  Anna Yurieva,  English  department )

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