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24 октября 2016

Meeting ''Onegin''

As Belinsky said once, "Onegin is Pushkin’s most soulful composition, the loveliest essence of his imagination, in which personality of the poet is reflected with such a great fullness - neatly and fair. All his life, his whole soul, his love, his feelings, notions, ideals are here." On 20th October, ninth-graders of the the Linguistic school attended the performance based on the best work   by Aleksandr Pushkin, Evgeniy Onegin.  Successful performances have been presented on the stage of Vahtangov theatresince 2013, and have already been marked by prestigious theatrical awards. You can get into the atmosphere of the performance the moment you enter the lobby and obtain Tanya Larina’s letter as though it had been addressed to you personally. The unusual setting evoked contradictory feelings of admiration, astonishment, perplexity, even adoration. But one thing that remains invariable is the bright impressions of the direction, the incidental music, and the choreography. To be honest, the most marvelous thing is the poetry of the classic period. It seems to have come straight from the heart: "Inconceivable Pushkin! Undreamt-of troupe of  Vahtangov Theatre!"

 ( translated by  Elena Nesterova and Anastasia Davidyuk, 11th form )

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