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14 апреля 2016

Excursion to the museum of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy

On the 14th of April our 10 th form pupils visited the Museum-estate of L. N. Tolstoy in Khamovniki. It is that rare phenomenon, which is not often seen amid noisy, bustling life of Moscow.


«Khamovniki» is an  old Moscow mansion. Tolstoy had been living here with his family for 19 winters until the 1901, spending every summer in Yasnaya Polyana. The writer created about a hundred works in the Khamovniki house, including the novel "Resurrection", the story "The Death of Ivan Ilych", "Kreutzer Sonata," "Father Sergius".Since 1921 house in the current Lev Tolstoy street, 21 has been a memorial Museum, a part of the State Museum of L. N. Tolstoy.


It is very calm and quiet on the territory of the mansion. It's nice that the buildings are simple in appearance and made of wood. It is also very cozy inside. Authentic belongings of Tolstoy family are everywhere and many different unexpected details delight the eye.


It is difficult to express feelings such as admiration and wonder by visiting this museum. The house, atmosphere and courtyard of the estate- everything is literally permeated with the spirit of the writer’s family. It feels as if the great thinker left the house only for a brief moment, but as a cordial host, he is always glad to see us back.


(Translated  by Maria  Kuzina, 10th form )

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