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11 сентября 2013

Linguistics School pupils at the 7th International Conference, “Language, Culture and Society” in the Praesidium of the Russian Academy of Science

11 form Linguistics School pupils on 26th September became participants at the 7th International Conference: “Language, Culture and Society,” the main event in Russo-British philology and linguistics in the Praesidium of the Russian Academy of Science. The event organizer is Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages (MIFL) in conjunction with the Russian Academy of Science and the journal “Issues in Philology”.

Russian President, Vladimir Putin, sent a message in which he noted the important role of an event that brings the Russian language to a level of international communication. A letter from Britain’s oldest university, Cambridge, was also read out.

Tessa Murdoch, curator of London’s Victoria and Albert Museum, praised the beauty of the city and wished luck to the enrichment of academic knowledge.

Evgeniy Petrovich Cheliyshev, RAS Fellow, Vice-President of RALS, RAS Praesidium Adviser, DPhil, WW2 veteran and participant in the First Victory Parade kindled listeners with his interest in the mysticism of Vladimir Soloviev.

Joanna Roberts, London University professor, enlightened with the idiosyncrasies in the design, layout and translation into Old English of handwritten psalters.

The prospects for the development of world and national languages, theoretical and applied linguistics issues, problems of translation, lexicography, linguodidactics, sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics, literature and art at the turn of the century, culture studies all these questions and more besides were highlighted by the Co-Chair of the Organising Committee, Chancellor of MIFL, President of RALS, Editor-in-Chief of journal “Issues in Philology” and Fellow, Emma Fyodorovna Volodarskaya.

The kids were vying with one another to share their impressions. “The futuristic architecture of the Praesidium’s majestic building rouses awe: the exterior is decorated with great statues while the interior has spacious halls, a myriad of corridors presided over with the spirit of science,” marveled 11b pupil Aleksander Morschagin.

“Thanks to the presence of a professor from Britain we were able once again to listen to real life English speech,” noted Daria Viysokova, 11a pupil.

Ivan Ushakov, 11a pupil, “The number of people of genius has inspired me to apply to the university”.

Amet Aleksandrovich Volodarsiy, Linguistics School General Director, Vice-Chancellor of Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages, Co-Chair of Russian Academy of Science Education Commission, Deputy Chair of Russian Academy of Science Council for the study and protection of cultural and environmental heritage led the section on “Business Communication in the Globalising Economy” and the “Image of Russia Abroad: Myths and Realities” round table discussion.

Amet Aleksandrovich touched on the concepts of intercultural communication. “Society confounds the concepts of tolerance and intercultural communication. The former signifies patience whilst the latter the interaction of people and culture focusing on knowledge and respect. Russia’s historical conditions testify to this mutual enrichment so that this know-how experience can be shared with other countries. To this real practice and daily task we should enlist young people who are our future!”

The conference continued until 28th September and you can acquaint yourself with its material in the collection of reports. On Sunday, participants are to take an excursion to L.N. Tolstoy Estate-Museum Yasnaya Polyana.

Преимущества обучения у нас
Наши выпускники поступают в лучшие вузы России и мира Многообразие профилей обучения. Высокий уровень ЕГЭ Все выпускники говорят на английском языке Международные и кембриджские программы Высококвалифициро-ванная и дружная команда специалистов
Домашнее задание выполняется в школе Спорт в школе: спортивный туризм, футбол и дзюдо Школьники не носят учебники в школу (второй комплект учебников находится в школе) Родительский контроль. Отчет и анализ успеваемости Дружеская и комфортная атмосфера (нет дедовщины и психологического давления)
Креативные интерьеры и комфортные аудитории В школьном кафе собственное меню из фермерских продуктов Медицинский контроль и сопровождение с детского сада до выпускного Собственный экосад Мы выявляем способности, учим ребят, а не подлав-ливаем на незнании
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